Thursday, July 14, 2011

I think I died and went to heaven

With four days behind me, I thought I'd give you an update on how my new job is going.  Here are a few highlights....

1) My cube is three times the size of my old cube.
2) My boss's boss saw my computer screen (19 inches) and said that it was too small.  My 24 inch monitor will be arriving tomorrow.
3) Dress attire is jeans on Friday and every other Thursday (exciting, but I am more stressed out about to wear on casual days as I have never had this luxury before in the workplace).
4) The break room is larger than my apartment and equipped with flat screen TV with cable.
5) There is a fridge with unlimited cans of diet coke! 

No need to say more. FREE DIET COKE. I think I have died and gone to heaven :)

- Miss J