Monday, November 1, 2010


Although I am 27 years old, I still get excited when it comes to trick-or-treating. I think this is one of the things that I am most excited for once I have kids.  An excuse to go house to house and see all the cute kids in their costumes.  If I were to do that now, I would be a creep ball, but once I have kids... 100% acceptable!  This year, I went out and bought five bags of candy at lunch, and then rushed home after work to try to get dinner in the oven before the trick-or-treaters started arriving.  Skyler was all ready in her costume.  I wish I could deck her out in a full attire, but she would mostly definitely spend the whole night inhaling it instead of sitting still and looking cute.  I peeked out the window at 6:15 pm as my door bell hadn't rung yet, and noticed that not a single person was on our street.  It was the weirdest thing.  No children, no adults, no lights, no cars.  It was like the whole neighborhood was deserted.  At about 6:40 pm, I got online to double check that I had the correct date.  I thought for sure that I was going to read that it is on Saturday and that I was a complete ninny for messing up the dates.  However, to my surprise the website still said October 28th from 6 pm - 8 pm.  I ate my dinner, drank my wine, and started getting annoyed that I had spent $20 on candy that I would probably end up eating all of it and regretting it the next day.  I had given up on the entire event and shut the blinds when Skyler started going bizerk.  The door bell rang. I excitedly opened the door to find two 17 year old boys holding out a baseball cap flipped upside down with a couple pieces of candy in them.  No "trick-or-treat" greeting from them.  Just a "do you have any candy?"  Annoyed, I held out the bucket of candy and let them take two handfuls (two handfuls less that I would be eating).  The one kid even came back for a third handful... UNBELIEVABLE.  Anyways, next year I am just going to turn out all the lights in the house, sit in my basement with a bottle of wine, and pretend I am not home.  At least, I won't have the disappointment of handing out candy to costume-less 17 year olds. 

- Miss J

At least Skyler kept me company!

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